On 8/13/05, maasdw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Question 1 - Which format will be better to reach both the Windows/Mac
> crowds and would be compatible with iTunes - Quicktime .mov or Mpeg-4?

I recommend mpeg4, as it is a standard not bound to one company.

> Question 2 - I've heard some buzz about H.264 compression.  Is this
> type of compression available just for Quicktime .mov or can you use
> this compression with .mp4 files?

This is a new format that is sometimes also referred to as mpeg4avc.
Right now it is ony a bit better than standard mpeg4, but with time it
has great potential. I think it's a bit early to think about using it
because few people have installed software for viewing it.

> Question 3 - As a Windows user, should I purchase Quicktime 7 Pro so I
> can get the H.264 codec?

Not to get the H.264 codec.... but it might be helpful otherwise. I
don't know the details of the possibility here, but I hear some people
have bought license for quicktime 7 even though they have a quicktime
6-license. If you have a zero-budget, is it possible to give away the
license to quicktime 6 to tilttv, or is it connected to a single

> Question 4 - How can I publish an .mp4 file?  Is there a reasonably
> cheap video editing suite that will do this or should I stick with the
> file converters?

Here is my real answer.... ;-) I would like you to try out vided.org,
both as a possible learning tool as well as a vlog publishing
platform! Vided.org automatically converts your videos to mpeg4 and
also publish them on a vlog, like http://tilttv.vided.org/. OK, it's
not finished yet, but if you can overlook a few bugs you can at least
get a feeling of it.

Your main challenge with vided.org might be that there's a 10mb upload
limit, which means that you have to limit the size of your videoclips.
The intention is to use short clips of about 5-30 seconds length and
bind them together using SMIL. This can be done using vided.org.
Another challenge is that there's (so far) no real "editing" going on
except changing the sequence and length of the videoclips.

I'm planning to let a class of high school students to use it as a way
of being active students, being creative, collaborative, discussing,
sharing media and creating new films with the help of other's. You
might have some ideas about this as well? I'll be really happy to hear
about them if you do!

I'll send you an e-mail with user and password.

Åsmund Garfors


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