My 2ยข regarding videoblog $$$$:

If you really want to make money you might want to try streaming instead of download.

There is a market for video advertisements*, but you need to provide numbers or the
advertisers won't pay. At least that's how it works presently.

Advertisers want to know each time their ad is watched, presently with downloadable
content like podcasts or videocasts, they can only count the initial hit to the server when
it's downloaded. If it's watched repeatedly thereafter (forwarded, shared, put on another
server, etc) then you won't get the maximum amount of dough that you could from the

Perhaps at some point someone will do a study (or 10) of downloaded media and the
advertisers will be talked into using a statistical approach or something (so one would
count hits and then add a realistic statistical amount to due to forwarding and etc), but
this isn't really my field and probably talking out of my ass completely at this point :-)

Does anyone know if windows DRM server counts each time a media file is played? Or does
one just get the key once and that's it? I doubt it counts coz then how would one be able
to play it on a portable player that isn't connected to the 'net?

(*a recent nyt article described the market somewhat, it's now behind a paywall, it was
from the august 1, 2005 late edition in the business section )

--- In, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Personally, I think that quote above tells me your looking at this 
> >>  whole thing as a means to make a buck.  In my opinion this dooms you 
> >>  to a life of producing complete and utter bullshit.
> > 
> >  Is it true?
> > 
> >>  My guess is that there are people who start with the desire to make bags of
> >> cash, and then cast around for whatever content they think will earn them
> >> the most. And then there are people who are artistically passionate and
> >> create because they can't help themselves, and would do so if they had no
> >> audience, but end up making filthy lucre because millions love their work.
> > 
> >  Can you tell which content is which when you consume it?
> i wish some of the people in this conversation would answer Charles'
> great comment.
> the fact is that some new guy spammed the group with an email (it was
> sent to other groups as well).
> he says "im thinking about making a can i get money"?


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