I have to have an organized system. I have a day job that pays the
bills.  I will be taking evening classes in the fall. I fully intended
to continue to videblog.

Still haven't worked out the laundry time :-)

I currently use a combination of planning a workflow/listing for

It is not perfect but here is a rough example. When I go out to shoot
content I try to grab everything I think I want. I am also open to the
unexpected. I find my best stuff that way. I get as much as I can.
Coverage, coverage and more coverage.

I then let it stew in my head for a day or two. When I am ready to
edit, I scope out a rough outline on paper and then try to put it
together. Sometimes I look for the music first - that seem to kick it
up a notch for me.

The editing is straight forward - I've thought about it and I can
joint it together fairly quickly. My hard part is the editing
software. I use both QTP 6.5 for rough edits and WMM2 for assembling.
I want one software that I can use but I haven't found it yet. I don't
have a "Premier" budget.

I make the time to do this because it fills a space. It feels good.
Time is too short to keep doing things that are safe and boring.


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