Thanx for taking the time.
I am here, I am reading, I am watching, I am listening.
~juan carlos gonzalez

>From: Randolfe Wicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [videoblogging] I Vlog. ~Cause I feel like I finally found the
>Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2005 22:12:52 -0400
>Juan, You just caused me to create a new folder in my vlog master-folder
>entitled "Inspirational Vlogs".
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: juan gonzalez
>   To:
>   Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2005 6:41 PM
>   Subject: [videoblogging] I Vlog. ~Cause I feel like I finally found the
>   I love the Internet.
>   I love Vlogs.
>   I love ART.
>   I love communication.
>   I love people who know what they are about, where they are going, where
>   are headed with their thoughts even though they are scared shitless
>   "They just may not really know what they are doing, but FEEL it."  I
>   that these very people want others with them. I love all of you that
>   gotten me this far...From FREEVLOG, MOMENTSHOWING, VERDI,Rocketboom,
>   livejournal, Meefeedia, ANT, Volgdir,Ourmedia, Internet
>   MSN, fuckin my video camera, my fingers, my parents, friends, life, and
>   coffee. HA!
>   I love when people execute their ideas.
>   VLOG as a VERB not a NOUN.
>   That's how i feel about my art, it is a VERB and not a NOUN.
>   I recently was invloved in an artshow and Someone came up to me and said
>   they DIDn't like my video. That nothing happens in my videos. That Video
>   a certain way and THIS AND THAT and I said..."interesting, NOW SHOW ME."
>   "SHOW ME."
>   Talk, and words and brainstorming is all great, I can sit in a think
>   with the rest of them BUT at the end of the day, Where's the
>   show me
>   Is a vlog limited to the infinite, It will change, I will change. My
>   environment will change. " I'm not saying it's any good, but I am saying
>   "It's all I got."
>   I won"t add everyones feed and i don't expect anyone to add my feed. I
>   up playing outside with or without company, I grew up coloring in
>   books in corners of rooms alone, I grew up with IMAGINATION. My
>   My ARTWORK has me with my many selves most of my time for most of my
>life. I
>   have spent my entire life as my bestfriend. I subscribed to my own feed.
>   watch my own videos on ANT. I add the feeds that are real, or closest to
>   real, feeds that "feed" my imagination, my comprehension, my "need" to
>   learn. I also add feeds that are windows into peoples lives, portals
>   their minds, palantirs to places I have never been. Oh sure i have that
>   with the "just messing around, experimenting,....I'll add feeds as I go
>   along, as my tastes change too cause tastebuds do change. I am
>selective, I
>   am silly, I am interested, I am currious, I am deciding my level of
>   involvement.
>   My situation at this time is a transitional one. I have the opportunity
>   do what I want when I want. I have responsibilites and Help from
>   Investors, Patrons. The way it's working out for me is TO SHOW.
>   I have paintings, drawings, videos, sound, and poetry and VLOG is the
>   way for me to get that across to people anywhere in the INTERNET. My
>   paintings aren't for sale, I could easily sale them for amounts of money
>   actually NEED but i'm not, I tell them to buy a shirt, or a mug(@ my
>   I've even sent out High Resoulution digital stills so that if they
>wanted to
>   print out posters they can do it themselves. I encourage the people to
>   my work in any fashion they please, I don't want their compensation. I'm
>   saying I don't want money cause I DO and not only some I want alot of
>   But I'm not holding out I'm just HOLDING ON. Putting a Volg together
>   what 5 hours total depending what you are up too Putting a price on
>that? A
>   painting 4 weeks, a month, a year, putting a price on that? Both aren't
>   difficult Just Prop up a number. I have PAYPALL/Store ? and as soon as I
>   figure out REL-PAyment I'm gonna do it....You'ld be surprised if you
>   noone will throw money at you cause they do.
>   Waiting tables is a different metaphor but it's the same way I"m
>providing a
>   service. I could run around for one table and get 10% or just leave
>   tipping, and give the best Damn service ever, then I could have a couple
>   come in and have the dude's wife hitting on me while HE is on a buisness
>   call, they both have coffee, desert, Low maintence and hit me with 20$
>   the check. The same with Art someone wants that 50 X 50 inch painting
>   20$, next person $3,000, where as my good friend or someone I care about
>   will take it off my hands for free. Somepeople can't commit to haveing
>   in their home so they just want a "flyer" just a little something, just
>   tidbit, just like people at the restaurant that want me to sign their
>   receipt cause they had fun, I gave them something real, soemthing
>   something to SCRAP/STORY about. I'll always GIVE till I'm dead. I'll
>   TAKE till i'm just as dead. Creating...same deal.
>   What I am thinking about is the WORK first. I've Dishwashed for two
>   different CAFE's and making my art when I COULD. I waited tables in NYC
>   writing poetry when I could. I'm making Vlogs amidst other ARTFORMS when
>   CAN because I CAN.
>   I don't make Art to show or for Money.
>   I create cause I can.
>   Now, With VLOG I can CREATE AND SHOW at the same time.
>   Shit I'll still go to them but I don"t feel I have to SHOW in them, not
>   iwouldn"t.
>   I just so happen to make money and that money is just Perspective
>   matter what field i am in.
>   MONEY comes from $$$Someone who notices me,wants my services, wants to
>   to me, wants to help me, encourage me, wants to take ffrom me, wants my
>   attention, wants to support, provide, be a part of my life. It dosn't
>   36, 000 people to make you rich, it could just take 1. That 1 person can
>   yourself or someone else.
>   I will create.
>   No one will stop me. No comment, no email, no discouragement, no one, no
>   occupation, no professor, other artist, no family member, no one with
>   place or thing can throw my life away.
>   I won't wish you luck with your endeavors.
>   I don't believe in luck.
>   I believe in people.
>   I love... and that's how the story goes... and unravels.
>   Sooner or later, all we have left to offer is what we left behind.
>   My audience whether alive now or 100(plus) years from now. I leave the
>   Intenet this.
>   ~Juan carlos gonzalez aka mrmultiple2
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