Got it. Made them horizontal next to each other upper left just below the title. Thanks. FireFox gives a warning but you can check off a box to get rid of it permanetly. Safari works right away. Got the dogs sub by pasting the feed address in the Advanced-> Subscribe to Podcast... dialog box. Man this is really easy.

Please everyone Subscribe to my feed today. And tell me how many of you can only get ONE video out of 5  
'cause the other 4 are in H.264. Thanks.

Can I get one of those buttons inside my email? If so how?

<p><a href=""pcast://">pcast://" title="Apple computers: itunes 1click subscribe"><img src=""">" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="Apple computers: itunes 1click subscribe"></a></p>
<p><a href=''">' title="Windows: itunes 1click subscribe"><img src=""">" width="80" height="15" border="0" alt="Windows: iTunes 1-click subscribe"></a>  </p>
  <a href=""">">Get buttons like this.</a></p>
Does that make buttons? I just pasted the HTML code into this Rich Text email.

On Aug 14, 2005, at 8:50 AM, Sheldon Pineo wrote:

You actually need 2 buttons, 1 for PC and 1 for Mac (iTunes sucks like

that), the page explains it all.

If your videos don't show up in iTunes it's probably because

a) you don't do Quicktime videos

b) your feed doesn't use enclosures

Let me know if you have any questions. Hope you like it :)

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