I'm trying to export a movie clip from iMovie in such a way as to make
it look as low-quality as possible. (Indulge me here for a minute.) I
could export it using the "Email" setting and then re-import it and
export again at 320x240. But I'd rather do it in one step.

Ideally, low quality would go hand-in-hand with a low file size;
otherwise I'd just mess it up with some crazy pixelation/distortion

So I go to QuickTime > Expert Settings, choose 8 frames/second,
Quality: least, Data Rate: a very low number. Then there's a drop-down
menu with a ton of different formats.

I've tried a couple of them, but I thought I'd save some time and just
ask, are there any of these formats which lend themselves more to
crappy-looking video?

thanks, philip


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