Hey guys, what's up? So as some of you are probably aware, Al Gore's 
new television station Current TV launched about a month ago, and a 
few weeks ago the Current online Studio launched at http://current.tv/
studio/ and there are a lot of worthwhile videos that have been 
uploaded. In a spirit that somewhat embodies vlogging, a few hundred 
videos by independent producers have found their way onto the site 
and the topics are all over the map.

One thing that Current has implemented is a green-lighting process 
which allows viewers to vote for videos they think are ready for 
television. It's important to note that these green-lights do not 
determine what goes on the air; however, and the videos that Current 
has thus far chosen to air are not uniformly the ones with the most 
green lights. Even still, I'd like to encourage all of you to 
register for the site and check out my videos that I have up and to 
green light anything you like. Thanks!


The Revolution Will Be Televised -- http://www.joshwolf.net

"We can bomb the world to pieces, but we can't bomb it into to peace."
"Power to the peaceful!"

Spearhead - Bomb the World


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