Thanks for the information and the encouragement.  I'll continue reading and posting!
----- Original Message -----
From: Gena
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 4:56 PM
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: group breakdown

Hi Bev!

The women folk are here. We span the spectrum of ages and interests.
Some of us are plowing up the "North 40". I have felt welcomed and
aside from a few heated debates it is a productive and pro-active
group. In other words, it's a hoot!

I encourage you to do whatever you want to show the world. You never
know what will be of interest to someone. That is the beauty of
vlogging. Part of what I have challenged myself is to try to get more
women and women of maturity into blogging/video blogging. We are not
represented in MSM (mainstream media) We have to do it ourselves if we
want our stories told.

Don't worry too much about the technical stuff. Once you have the
basics down you just do it. As time goes on it will get easier, you
get more experience and you want to try new stuff.


--- In, "BevSykes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven, I've spent the past week feeling like I opened Dorothy's
farmhouse door and stepped into Munchkinland...discovering a world I
never knew existed out there.  It started with OurMedia and one thing
led to the next, which led to this group and finding so many
interesting people and things and ways of looking at vlogging.
> I put myself in your position--just in it for the fun of it, not
expecting to create anything monumental, mostly blog-type stuff,
things to augment what I write in my daily journal, etc.  At 62, I'm
not likely to get really very technical or do anything that would be
of interest to most of the vloggers I see here, but learning all this
stuff is fun for me and who knows where it will go...?
> I'm curious about demographics.  It seems like the vast majority of
the vloggers I've come across have been young (to me) males.  I'm
curious about how many women are getting into this--and if there is
anybody past the age of 50 who is finding this as intriguing as I do.
> -Bev
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Steven Livingstone
>   To:
>   Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 4:09 PM
>   Subject: [videoblogging] group breakdown
Anyone like to share what they expect from VideoBlogging.
I'm quite new to this group, but I've noticed a group who are very
into films, programmes and a professional level of some very good
personal video creation.

I also see some (like myself) who are just in it to record what they
feel like and don't worry *too* much about the quality (not the
content quality, the quality of the picture, compression and so on).
Anyone want to comment?

For example, I don't see what I know becoming anything more formal
that some video version of my blog. I see something. I will record a
few minutes blog it and maybe add some comment.

steven ::


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