I suspect you're always going to get some more-or-less fixed percentage of:

1. people who are so turned off by the very idea of advertising/marketing that they run away screaming from anything that remotely looks like a plug

2. people who simply aren't interested in that item right now, or ever

3. people who will watch anything funny/cool etc. regardless of whether they'd ever buy the product

4. people who would feel informed by such videos and maybe buy a product as a result, or get more use out of the product they already own

However, things get interesting when group 1 comes up against a situation like:

"I'm in the market for a grill, and I happen to know that Steve Garfield has done a testimonialish video for Weber grills. I have met Steve in person and like him, and he comes across in video as a sincere guy, so do I feel 'advertised at' if I watch his video or not? What if I already watched it just because it's Steve, and now I'm in the store about to buy a grill, and my thoughts drift to Weber... have I been swayed by (ick!) advertising? Has Steve now gone over to the Dark Side?"

I love it when the lines get fuzzy!

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.straughan.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)


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