Frank, there is a Node 101 group which you might like to join.
I think your design idea is most interesting.  I think I might want to drop an image in the TV screen of a person (perhaps a drawing) holding a small home camera with a wire leading to a big broadcasting tower in the background.
But maybe, I'm getting too detailed.  However, tossing ideas out never hurts and might spark other ideas such as your suggestion of using the TV screen, etc.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] Road Node Badge Design

Thursday, September 1, 2005, 4:09:01 PM, Randolfe Wicker wrote:

> I like the design that Joel did very much.  However, I think he
> chose "elegance" over message insofar as the camera lens is not
> "camera Lensie" enough to make it stand out as a distinct camera
> lens.  I am no artist and no designer.  I'm just someone who offers
> his honest opinion.  By making the camera lens in 101 more
> distinctly a camera lens, it seems to me that you make it more
> obvious that "Node 101" is about capturing things with a camera.

Just to echo that. When I first saw it I thought it was a car tyre -
symbolic of the road trip.

I'm not sure a camera lens is "iconic" enough.  How about a
TV/monitor screen? Maybe something a bit like:

Apologies for the sketchy nature of the image, but I hope you get the

Frank Carver

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