I am 100% sure that someone always answers questions, be they "how do I set up a feed" to "who do i embed video in my blog and keep the....blah blahh"

This list may have a lot of talk that goes over people's heads but those people talking are the ones with the most knowledge that can easily dispense answers in one quick email. You don't have to have every email sent to your inbox, but if you have a question just post it and follow the thread on the group page. or search for stuff at http://groups.google.com/group/videoblogging it has the best search of all the emails posted here since June.

I worry that if you get a group of a bunch of "newbies" they may ask a question that no one can answer, and then end up asking it here because this is the list that all the people who know alot read.

your right, there are alot of emails to sift through, but people do it, and they especially look for the ones that are looking or help. they arent going to want to sign up for ANOTHER group whos goal is to do the exact same thing that happens every day here.

ask away, and it will be answered, no one thinks that nay question is stupid...I mean heck, people have asked "how do I make a video blog?" here within the last week, and they were met with kindness, and pointed int he right direction...

On 9/21/05, Bev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That may be, Jan, but the level of technical discourse here is driving
people away.  I haven't been able to understand a message in a long
time and I finally had to turn off the email function because I was
getting snowed under by stuff I couldn't understand and couldn't
relate to--and probably didn't need to know for the level of vlogging
I expect to get to.

I'm really not trying to compete, and I encourage everyone to stay on
this list, but for really basic questions that we might feel dumb
about asking here, a separate group is a good thing.  Besides, if we
newbies share information, we can learn at our own speed.  The traffic
in this group is so heavy that simple questions and answers may get
lost in the crunch.

I very much appreciate learning from this group, and hope to continue
to learn from this group, but it's nice to have a place to post a
kindergarten question and not feel intimidated by people who are doing
post-graduate work.  That's all.


Josh Leo


Individual Fireant Typepad


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