You  can view wmvs on mac (although some have told me that the wmv player for Mac is crap).
WMVs are not bad, it's just that the platform tries very hard to keep the user out of the guts of the video ... You can however, for example, download the WM Encoder tool and play around with the compression settings and even add scripting to open up certain urls at certain points in the video ... but nobody does this and those of us who have tried eventually end up shouting out some string of curses at Microsoft and giving up.
All that being said ... as a windows user I've had some really ugly experiences with quicktime too.  It's basically arguing religion and people get all worked up over some ability that the other format probably can do (even if it normally / easily doesn't) or issue that each probaly has (provided you are using the right ... or wrong ... OS).
I publish WMVs at the moment (and make no claim of them being high quality or low file size).  I've thought of publishing MOVs as well ... but with all my codecs installed and following all the instructions we've seen in this thread ... half the time my MOVs just flat out fail to export correctly and the other half the file size is no smaller than WMVs.  (Note: I'm not saying QT can't do it better, I'm saying me as a fairly savy windows user can't seem to make it do so). 
Eventually I'm gonna try again and find out what I did wrong, but if I ever do publish MOVs it will likely be along side WMVs as well.

On 9/26/05, BevSykes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I'm not exactly sure how WMV is the least friendly format in terms of
sharing and colloboration.<<
It IS correct, though, isn't it, that if you have a Mac you can't view wmv files?  Or is that not true?


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