Much of the tech gab I'm reading here means nothing to me.... I just want to COMMUNICATE  as a vlogger.  I'd be a good guinea pig - to see if typical bone-heads like me can correctly use whatever tech exists.

Well some of us are working on just that - there is a wide cross sections of users but I strongly encourage you to ask questions.  There are lurkers who have the same questions as you and some body knows the answer.

I'm still not sure what vlogging is to people.... why they vlog.  I waiver between the joyful celebration of experimentation and self _expression_.... and that  uncomfortable feeling I always had when my parents dragged us to watch other people's  home movies in the 1960's.  

What if it is all of the above? And more?
There is more to vlogs than what you call visual babbling. But as I recall, babbling is an important process new humans have to go through before they begin to master language. Many folks here are learning to communicate via video. It is not necessarily intuitive. You have to learn how to use the tools.

It concerns me that so little thought goes into concept, content, and craft.  I LOVE the FUN, community, part of vlogging.  I feel uncomfortable speaking up about this..... but I have questions.

Don't be uncomfortable - ask questions.

I can only speak for myself - I am very concerned about this, I do try to move forward but I am still learning how to tell stories via web video. If you are looking for polished tv style stuff, er, nope. But I walk into stories and sometimes I am the only one there. I feel good when I've capture small moments.

Welcome aboard.   


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