onwards, the pixels flow....

Subscribe to free, del.icio.us video in iTunes

Two great tastes that taste great together: now that del.icio.us offers feeds by filetype and iTunes has full video support (including “vodcasts,” or video podcasts), you can load up iTunes with free video files bookmarked and tagged in del.icio.us. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the del.icio.us page of Quicktime .mov files, which is http://del.icio.us/tag/system:filetype:mov.
  2. Add tags at the end of that URL which indicate the kind of movies you want. For .mov files tagged “funny,” you’d go to http://del.icio.us/tag/system:filetype:mov+funny.
  3. At the bottom of that page, copy and paste the RSS feed of those videos using the orange RSS button.
  4. In iTunes, go to Podcasts. In the Advanced menu, choose “Subscribe to Podcast.” Paste the URL you just copied.

All goes well, iTunes will start downloading video items from the “funny” feed. Once it’s done downloading, make sure the album art panel on the lower left side of iTunes is showing. Then, click on the video item. Play it in the small panel, or expand to full-screen using the button on the bottom of iTunes’ chrome.

>From here on in, each time you open iTunes, any new .mov’s tagged “funny” in del.icio.us will be automatically downloaded.

By the way, this isn’t a new feature in iTunes 6. It’s been supported since podcasts were introduced, and first outlined here on Lifehacker in our How to find and add media to your iTunes library with del.icio.us post. The same technique works with music and PDF’s, but it was worth pointing it out again as watching video in iTunes becomes more common.

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