> On 10/25/05, Verdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The point of this discussion, for me,  was to point out
> what I feel is an often repeated and unfair criticism of
> QuickTime, by Windows users.  Namely, "you can't make
> QuickTime clips as small as Windows Media." [is wrong]

> On 10/24/05, Frank Carver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know so little about producing Quicktime
> files that I have so far been unable to do so
> myself.

I hear ya (both of ya)... I haven't ever claimed it cant be done, I've only ever claimed *I* cant seem to get it done.  Perhaps a more fair criticism is that given the tools available to some windows users it's difficult to the point of not worth trying to get it done.  (That is until the ipod made it a geeks must have :-P ... now it's very worth trying.)

The bottom line is that each of Windows and MAC has a push button simple and free way to make movies.  Each can have the settings custom defined (yes even a WMV can) ... and each (as we have now seen) can make roughly equivilent quaily/filesize movies ...

However - for the record - one unfair critism I hear from MAC users all the time is that Quicktime is *SO* much easier to use and friendly than WMV - and my blood boils about every time I hear it.

I dont want to type out 3 pages of troubles but for me ... I've tried roughly 8 (yes EIGHT) different movie editors (that have apparently worked for others) and spent well over $300 on them and each has in its own unique way F'd up the quicktime export process in some extremely frustrating way, or simply wouldnt run correctly.  I've spent another $30 bucks on QT pro, another $20 on 3ivx (so that I can try to have them at these smaller file sizes) ... and still ... I dont' have a solution that actually works for me - ATM, I'm having to use up to 3 different software packages and then spending WAY WAY WAY too much time creating intermidate files to port into Quicktime Pro. (You can claim that this is the nature of crappy windows boxes, but 'buy a mac' shouldn't really be the 'this is how you make a quicktime' answer if it's being championed as the vloggers format of choice due to its ease of use.)

I'm not saying QT is worse (and I'm not saying its better) ... but have a little pitty on the poor windows users; besides the fact that some of us just cant get the tools to behave, most users most aren't codec-gurus and have no idea what those options you tell us to set actually do ... so when the only tutorials available for such a painful windows experience produce files that dont seem all *that* much better in quality really but are twice the filesize ... well thats why you get the windows folks saying WMV are often smaller.  :-P

I realize the WMV viewer experience can apparently be crappy on a MAC but the QT creation process on a PC is (or at least CAN be) pretty crappy too.  

(And I realize my experience with quicktime may be to the extreme side of unlucky ... but hey ... it's mine.)
- Dave

Individual Fireant Use


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