Please, be my guest and never watch one of my vlogs and you won't risk getting offended.  Yeah, I like attention.  I worked a total of ten hours putting up two vlogs from "Live & Uncensored in NYC".
It was an hour long program.  I had to do a lot of editing.  The first part of the vlog didn't get that many hits.  I'd been riding high with over a hundred hits a day for five days with my Immortalist vlog.  My simple, sane, respectable vlog about the serious issues involving censorship and the media was hardly viewed.  Intellectual important stuff doesn't count, even here.
I've already gotten more reaction to this vlog that only took three hours (I'd logged the tapes already so only had to do editing).
My "Vlog In Stone" is really neat.  That will probably bomb also.  Whether you know it or not, we are all in something called "show business".
Sure, some vlog for Grandma and the family.  But most vloggers want their vlogs to be seen.  The lack of feedback gets everyone upset.
I'd rather be "eaten alive" and called names ---as opposed to doing vlogs no one bothers to watch.
Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
Videographer, Writer, Activist
Advisor: The Immortality Institute
Hoboken, NJ
----- Original Message -----
From: Enric
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 6:52 PM
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: "How Old is Dick Cavett?"

--- In, Randolfe Wicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]...>
> "Leading
> off with an entirely irrelevant and possibly antagonistic question and
> expecting to get the attention and respect you want isn't a relationship
> building strategy. You become know as the asshole with the camera
instead of someone worth talking to."
> Well, forgive me for being curious.  That question was driving me
crazy.  I thought Dick Cavett was in his eighties.  When I guessed his
age as being 75, I was being very kind.
> I object to this nonsense about "being ashamed of one's age".  One
of the first things I'll voluntarily tell you is that I am 67 years old.
> I'll happily become known as "the asshole with the camera".  I've
always asked the hard and unexpected questions in interviews.  That's
why my early radio interviews got rave reviews in the New York Times,
The Herald Tribune and Newsweek Magazine.
> Cavett did tell me to "Shoot! Shoot!" when I asked permission first.
I "shot" and he gagged on my simple question. I think he over-reacted
partially because he was offended by my 'kind' quess that he was 75
years old.
> I really expected him to smile and tell me he was 83.  I was
actually 'innocent' in my offending of him.
> Yeah, "asshole with a camera"?  Watch out when I'm around!
> Now, I'll have to do some gooey nice arty stuff to balance my
> In fact, I'm editing a "Vlog In Stone" comprised of an amazing
sculpture exhibit they have in the airport in Atlanta.  I guess I'll
just have to risk my new notoriety and transform myself into some sort
of "art-loving
> fag with a camera".
> Randolfe (Randy) Wicker
> Videographer, Writer, Activist
> Advisor: The Immortality Institute
> Hoboken, NJ
> 201-656-3280

I get the impression you want attention.  Which of course is fine.
Just not enough by itself to keep my interest.

  -- Enric

>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Jake Ludington
>   To:
>   Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 5:21 PM
>   Subject: RE: [videoblogging] "How Old is Dick Cavett?"
>   > It's breaking the rules! Sure, old media might have guidelines
about how
>   > to conduct an interview or ask questions, but does new media
have to?
>   >
>   > My friend once did an interview with the vocalist from the band
>   > Retina, it consisted of one question, and then ended. The
question was:
>   > "Why do you sing like a girl?"
>   Rules of common courtesy and good judgment are older than old
media. Leading
>   off with an entirely irrelevant and possibly antagonistic question and
>   expecting to get the attention and respect you want isn't a
>   building strategy. You become know as the asshole with the camera
instead of
>   someone worth talking to. If you expect people to talk to you
openly, you're
>   expecting that person to trust you on some level. Trust for most
>   means not portraying them in a bad light. I'm referring to all
people here,
>   not just famous ones.
>   If the new media "rules" are about showing disrespect and acting
>   consideration for the feelings and opinions of others, new media
will be
>   quickly marginalized like the circus side show that is reality
>   Jake Ludington
>     a..  Visit your group "videoblogging" on the web.
>     b..  To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
>     c..  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of

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