The Next Big Thing will be videogame casting.  (Gamecasting, I guess it will be called.)  Delivering games via RSS or something.  I don't know what I'm talking about.  But anything can happen...

Actually, what I think is going to develop is more and more interactivity within the videoblogging (and podcasting) space -- specifically, the technology will develop to where you can search the audio or video for specific words or phrases or remarks, etc.  Once that technology works well, then we'll be able to easily insert our own responses to the video and put that back out there; a video commenting system, so to speak.  This will probably take *years* to develop to where it really works well -- or at least, to where it works well enough to be really usable. (Maybe a decade; hopefully it won't take that long.)

There are already audio applications arriving that claim to do this -- or something like it -- but I'm not certain any of them actually *work as advertised*.  Does anyone know if there are any video applications in development that do this kind of thing?  Even if it's not very usable yet?  I'm an early adopter; I'd play around with something like this, even if it didn't work the greatest yet.

Harold J. Johnson
Something That Happened
(Podcaster Herald is on vacation)

On 12/30/05, Steve Garfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Making Movies:
Newbie Tips, New Year Predictions
By Richard Baguley, special to PC World


"Video blogging goes mainstream.
Video blogging is one of the big success stories of 2005: More and more
people are starting to document their lives using online video blogs.
This trend is going to continue as online blogging services add video
options: Typepad already offers a free video blog service through
Videoegg, and more sites will be doing the same soon. I'll bet that
we'll see the same mainstream adoption we've seen with podcasts: Before
you know it, celebrities will have their own video blogs. And that'll
probably also be a sign that this particular bandwagon has been well
and truly jumped on, and that the really cool kids have moved onto
something different."

Home Page -
"The Instapundit of vlogging, without the right-wing politics!" - Chuck

Individual Fireant Typepad



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