I'm trying to describe vlogs and their potential to board members of my nonprofit (it took me over an hour to explain what a podcast is, last year).  It would be helpful to have 5-10 examples of vlogs, as recommended by "our" community, for me to illustrate my presentation.  It might also be a fun exercise for us to come up with a list of ten vlogs that approximate/illustrate what vlogs are about.  So, with rocketboom as a given, what do you all thing are 5-10 vlogs that can show a newcomer what vlogs are all about?  Also, with yoru list suggestions, you might suggest how vlogs fit into diffeent catagories, such as an example of a personal vlog, a community activist vlog, a "seehere" vlog, a "lame" vlog, an "arty" vlog, etc.  Thanks, Darryl


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