
I saw the movie "Brokeback Mountain" this past weekend with some friends and some loved it, thought it was great... I said i thought it was decent... it was good, not great.  At dinner, we got more into the intricate details of our feelings...
but that intitial reaction is really what it boils down to..... and thats prob how most digital ratings are done too.

So, minus the negative reaction... because a Hate It option doesnt help..doesnt add anything so it doesnt make sense to have it as an option in a directory. 
It's about bubbling up good stuff, according to the collective opinion... not seesawing with neg/pos options.  And 5 stars.... really, what is the value of more than 2 options there?  3 of the 5 are like filler options... dont mean anything.

The 'Like It, Love It Or Leave It' idea will result in 3 pools of top lists.
The 3rd is the digg model... just calculating all the total votes per entry.
So you get:

* Most Loved
* Most Liked
* Most Votes (either Loves or Likes)

Next is to add ability to rate each video...add that to a vlogs total count, create top lists of videos etc....


On 1/11/06, Ted Tagami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
+ digg

;) I like.

On 1/11/06, Michael Sullivan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm looking to talk about this whole ratings business... I'm referring to top lists etc... not parental filters and all that.

On VLOGDIR, for most of its life i have not enabled ratings.  I toyed with it for a while using a simple 1-5 scale and it was referred to as Karma.
Any rating was a positive rating and would help bubble the entry up to more exposure (If I displayed a top list which I didnt)

Today, I had a thought.... this came after thinking of really complex rating algorithms. 

Here is what I decided to implement as an experiment....

Screw 5 Stars.

On VLOGDIR, you can either Like a vlog, Love a vlog or Just Leave it alone.
If more people vote that they Love a vlog, then the entry will simply state that...
you guessed it...

"People LOVE this vlog" (based on x votes).  LOVE is red color fonted.

If more people voted that they just Like the vlog... then it will say so.

All else can choose to instead leave a comment on that entries VLOGDIR permalink if they have some feedback.

After some time, I could list the entries that have received either of these votes and which received the most votes despite the rating.

Later, I can also experiment by adding other variables to the equation such as how many hits the vlog received...
I can also add a series of custom rating scales per entry... like a 1-5 for entertainment value and 1-5 for technical skill etcetera....
I could also include Feedburner metrics into the equations.
Also, I could let people rate each individual video in a vlog, thus giving greater weight to the vlog itself.
These votes can all get incorporated into some Master Top List (I cant believe i just typed that).

Let's get back the basic point of this message and that is to let you know that if you can rate vlogs at with a LIKE or a LOVE... or LEAVE IT please.

Let's try it out... see who bubbles up. 

Suggestions?  Feedback?  Bugs?

Thanks all.

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"The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born"
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Individual Fireant Use


Ted Tagami

U N I V E R S U S . N E T

Individual Fireant Use


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"The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Videoblog Directory - Free Videoblog Hosting / Vlogosphere Aggregator - on again off again personal vlog


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