I think mp4 is the way forward. The reason is that it's a pretty open format: it doesn't only play on the iPod, but with a bit of luck on the PSP and other devices too.

I always feel it's better to have 1 format that's more generically usable, than lots of highly optimized, specific formats that don't play everywhere..


On 2/11/06, Michael Verdi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
So I'm thinking about iPod compatibility and the easiest way to make a good iPod compatible video using H.264 seems to be to export as an .MP4. You have control over the bit rate, single or dual pass, audio settings, etc. The files seem to fast start for me on Mac and PC. Now the .MP4 can't do all the cool QuickTime things like HREF tracks, text tracks, etc. but you can always use QuickTime Pro to save as an .mov and add those things if you want. Is there something I'm missing? Are there widespread server mime type problems with .mp4? Steve Watkins will probably want to scream because he's been saying this for about a year but, Steve, I'd appreciate your thoughts on this subject again.
So who out there has been doing this? What's your experience been? I've noticed that Bill Streeter sometimes uses it but not always - what's up with that Bill?

PS - It appears that Apple has fixed the export to iPod thing if you access it in iMovie from the Share menu. If you access it from File > Export in iMovie or QuickTime Pro you still get that dammed 320 X 213 video!

PPS - Yes, this is research for the book & Freevlog 3 - just so you know.

Me: http://michaelverdi.com
R&D: http://evilvlog.com
Learn to videoblog: http://freevlog.org
Learn to videoblog in person: http://node101.org

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