Or perhaps we need to refer to "the Richard who is Lisa's father" as opposed to "the Richard who is not."

On 3/14/06, Richard Show < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
She means me ... Richard Hall (Show) ... and it's a variation of me calling my wife Richard's wife, and my house, Richard's house, and my Dog Richard's dog ... and pretty much the whole universe as being my stage for my show  ... and it's all quite ironic given that I am a buddhist, so I pretty much recognize that Richard doesn't really exist at all ...

... but, I do appreciate you clearing this up, given that she (Lisa) is not the daughter of every Richard in the world, and, it is quite possible that people might think of you, Richard BF, since you've been vlogging longer than me and you are more prolific in your vlogging and you do, I daresay, make some very awesome videos ...

... so, perhaps it should be "the other Richard's daughter" :) ...

... the other Richard ...

On 3/13/06, Richard BF < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Lisa (Aka: Richard's Daughter)

I'd just like to confirm, that at this point in my life, I don't
actually have a daughter.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan

www.beginningwithi.com (personal)
www.tvblob.com (work)

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