I've got accounts at both DH and LP, both have automated Wordpress installation. Personally, I find the LP control panel easier.

The bandwidth DH offers is larger, the downloads feel faster at LP.

I have my http://vlognews.24x7.com over at blogger just to keep an eye on their service and developments (as I have blogs at other hosts too) and, too, am disappointed by the downtime and slow response from support.

In the end, it's a personal decision, no one hosting service will ever be perfect for everyone. Good luck!


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

my vlog: http://r.24x7.com

On Mar 24, 2006, at 12:49 PM, Deirdre Straughan wrote:

FWIW, Dreamhost offers a "one click" install of WP if you host with them. It's not really that simple, but it's not horribly difficult either - I'm not a programmer, and I survived it. I wanted something to go with the look of my main site, so I found a template that used similar colors, and customized it just a little (replaced the graphic, mainly) - see http://www.beginningwithi.com/comments/

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