Yes ladies and gentlemen. This is how not to win friends and influence people.
I am going to guess that you are the type of person that walks into a crowded room and shouts "LOOK AT ME! I'M SANDRA DEE!!" As you are seeing, that kinda thing doesnt work too well and the more and more you push it, isnt working for you. You might want to stop while you are well behind.

David Howell

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of lishisman
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 7:34 PM
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: VLOGGERS UNITE

What is distasteful are the continued accusations I keep recieving...

I am trying to put the whole thing past me... Can YOU?

For those of you keeping record...
my first two posts were the same thing INTRODUCTION... I forgot to include something in the first... ref. 36615  and 36616 

The third was a casting call looking for field coorespondants
ref. 36618 

The fourth was in response to "send me your vlogs". ref. 36619 

The fifth and sixth - number 5 I was proud of my first dual camera action, 6 I reposted cuz I didnt think 5 got through...
ref. 36653  and 36654 

Number 7 was my first try at stand up comedy... ref. 36701 

Number 8/9 (accidental double post) I was pissed, in that after 4 days of posting to this forum I got ZERO responses. ref. 36752  and 36754 

Numbers 10 WAS the ONLY so-called test I did that was marketing related... I posted "DO NOT WATCH MY VIDEO TODAY" And you know what I figured out?
This was the first time I got responses out of any of you. I don't even know if I would consider it a test. It was just.. "hey, I havent recieved any responses so what the hell? If I tell them not to watch will they?". Ref. 36916 

Number 11 was another introductary post, that I did simply because I had gained some attention and wanted people to know me a little. This was the infamous self admission of me being a spammer, a failed attempt at humor... Which obviously no one got. 
Ref. 36949 

Do any you honestly think I dont know the difference between spam and not spam? If so, you are just plain STUPID. And wasting your time spelling it out for everyone here, is just STUPID too...

NUMBER 12- >>>37030  was the back breaker "VLOGGERS UNITE", forget coming up with an idea ....EVER, the close mindedness, jealousy, whatever feelings came out in this thread are perfect examples of idiocracy.

The following is an attempt at misinformation... At least know what your talking about before trying to dehumanize someone...

[VLOGGERS UNITE was message #12 - it was >preceded by 10 messages containing one line and then a link to the blog. That's the big problem. The small problem is that the 10 messages apparently was a "market research experiment" making the whole thing slightly unethical and very annoying. ]

Did you even read the posts? Screw you for trying to make me look bad, fucking troll...

You are the epitomy of hipocracy... You potray me to be some evil martketeer, yet you are marketing a product that anybody with half a brain could figure out for free. I sure it will make a wonderful refence three years from now when every point in the book is moot.
Stop fucking attacking me. I am not the person you are painting a picture of...

While I am on the subject of your useless banter... who died and left you boss of this group? Who asked you to determine what this group is, what it likes and dislikes? The difference between spam and not spam... it is all YOUR opinion you have no right to speak for a group of over 2000...

Dont like that? Then dont stereotype me, or question who I am as a person... What the hell do you know about me? I know nothing about you, and until this post tried not to judge you... your book is probably great... and on impulse I probably would have bought it, I certainly would veer completely in the opposite direction... at this point I might even burn it on site.

Oh and for the record, I emailed Steve Garfield from his vlog long before I knew he was even a member here or who any members here were to be honest. You see as a new vlogger, I didnt know of anybody else to talk to to get feedback on my vlog, I asked for his help once he said he would check it out, and then I checked with him a few days later, he emailed me saying that I didnt have to email him anymore, that was the extent of it.

Please Mr. Garfield chime in anytime, right or wrong?

I have grown to respect a community I never knew existed until a short couple of weeks ago.

<<<The following I decided to leave in after serveral hours of debating on whether to post this or not, I decided to leave it in un-edited.>>>

I wanted some help is all. So fuck you. I wasnt even going to let this flame continue but fuck it, do you really expect me to stand here and let you tear me apart for no apparent reason other than to procrastinate and not make a video for vlogweek?
I vlog every weekday and will continue to do so as long as I have interest. Currently, I havent found a way to make money from it, dont know if I ever will, but I will certainly try like hell...

Please let this thread die! Go damn! it's time to move on.
Thanks to those who understand, and a big fuck you to those who offend or are offended, I am just tired of this shit and want to move on.

I should have vlogged this... by the way hold my beer while I go vomit, I'll be back in a moment.


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