
On 4/5/06, Casey McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thought this was interesting and that others might enjoy it...

Adam Curry clears up concerns that under the Podshow contract he owns
all Podshow producers' content:


(Warning, alot of what I wrote below contains alot of emotional reactions.  And I'll probably regret writing this later.  But anyways....)

I'm still in agreement with "Keith and the Girl":


At no point in this interview does he actually talk about PodShow's contract.  (With the skills of a politician and a spindoctor in avoiding "the question") he just goes off and talks about other stuff.  But never during the interview does he addresses any of the "problematic" points in the PodShow's contact that were identified by "Keith and the Girl".

Yes, I know these are harsh words.  However, it bothers me that he tried to mislead people.

After hearing what "Keith and the Girl" said, I didn't have any problems with PodShow or Adam Curry.  I didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing.  Now, I did NOT like the PodShow contact.  And was grateful that "Keith and the Girl" educated me about the problems with it.  But I still didn't see anything wrong with the PodShow.  People still had a choice (to join it or not).  It was up to them.

Now that I've watch this interview with Adam Curry's response I have the same feeling I get after watching a politician talk.  To be honest... and this may be an emotional reaction... I feel like I just watched an infomercial.  He seems like he was trying to mislead me (and everyone else).  And (personally) I just don't like that's he's trying to mislead people.  If he just "fessed up" and admitted to the true nature of the PodShow contact then I'd still be OK it.  But now, I feel more than just a dislike of the PodShow contact.

(And yes, I know, I'll probably regret writing such harsh words in such a public place.  But this is my honest opinion.)

See ya

    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

    charles @ reptile.ca
    supercanadian @ gmail.com

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