Hi, this is Philip from swordfight.org.

I'm in the exact same boat as this person. I've been without a 
computer for a good chunk of the year so far, and today happens to be 
the first time I've checked out the list in a while as well.

Perhaps everyone could reply to this thread by posting a link to 
their favourite video this year from their own videoblog. That way 
folks like me and JV could start to get caught up with you.

I'm still on 56K out in the woods but I will try to download 
everything that gets mentioned. Pick your one video that would be 
most worthy of leaving a modem connected all night.

Can't wait to see what's been going on. I need some new material, I 
want to do some remixes.

Love, your pal,

On 3-May-06, at 4:35 PM, Its A Mystery and So Im I wrote:
> Hi, Videoblogging Community,
> I've been occupied with life and haven't had time to
> read what's been going on in the videoblogging scene.
> I'm curious to what new developments has occurred in
> the past five onths that has expand this emerging medium.
> Whats sites, service, software and should i be aware
> of?
> JV

Fireant Individual Typepad


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