
I disagree.  "We was just having ourselves a little fun with that boy" is the end of racism that tends to descend into violence.  And I know that still happens, we still get riots in Britain in areas where there are large asian populations.  

I can understand Paul, in the sense that some feminists appear to tar ALL men with the same brush.  And it isn't just men.  Women are equally sexist.  I myself, and a number of women I know, have been known in moments of road stress to make comments on 'woman drivers'.  I have also been party to a number of conversations trashing men as a species.  That's sexist.  Sexism goes both ways.  And I know plenty of men who are not sexist, and some women who are!

That isn't to say that it is right, it isn't.   But we need to think about how we respond to it, what the level of sexism is, and to make the appropriate level of response.  I have recently watched the 1980 film 9 To 5, which I haven't seen in years.  Very, very good comedy, highlighting a situation that was, and still is, an issue, but resolving it through humour and the application of what goes around comes around.  If the situation in that film happened to me in the office, I would be up in arms.  The relevant guilty boss would get a serious lecture, I would go to his boss, and HR would be sick of the sight of me.  That is sexism at its worst.  

However, Paul's comment on feminists getting a sense of humour is less sexism, and more a defensive reaction.  Brittany had some very strong points to make, which would make a lot of men feel that they as a gender have been attacked.  They have a right to respond to that attack.  

On 11 May 2006, at 00:29, Markus Sandy wrote:

Paul,  this sounds exactly like those racists who said "we was just having ourselves a little fun with that boy"

Paul Knight wrote:

I am tired of women saying that men are sexist, when quite obviously they are not, they are just having a laugh, maybe more feminists like you should go out and get a sense of humor, maybe.


Markus Sandy

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