Hey everyone, Current TV is currently working with L'Oreal, a 
cosmetics company, to solicit videomakers to profile women whom they 
know who are "women of worth." (http://www.current.tv/studio/create/
vcam_loreal_wow.html) - I'm curious how the vidoblogging community 
feels about an ad campagin sponsored by a cosmetics company to 
profile women who are working to improve the world they live in?

Obviously a series of PSA's giving these women credit for the work 
they are doing would be a good thing, but, is the fact that this 
thing is being underwritten by a cosmetics company and considered an 
advertisement by Current diminish the redeeming quality the project 
might otherwise have?

What do you think?


"We can bomb the world to pieces, but we can't bomb it into to peace."
"Power to the peaceful!"

Spearhead - Bomb the World

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