Although it is a very unique industry, the skateboard shoe
manufacturers have all gotten into iTunes "video podcasting"...

This was probably a dream come true for them... These companies pay
loads of money to be a part of the numerous DVDs that are released
every year.  In addition, they already have pro athletes and tons of
footage to pull from.  Question is - does it really help them sell
more shoes?  Probably yes.

I just helped Hyperlite (wakeboarding manufacturer) put out their
"video podcast" the other day and it is already #66 on the Top 100
list.  Not sure if Ridertech will be able to hang on though (#93).

Sad part is that the editors of the iTunes directory have way too much
power... they have those featured topics on the podcast frontpage and
if you get listed there it will make a huge difference.  Once you're
on the Top whatever list, it then starts promoting itself.  Meaning
more people just subscribe to what is "popular".  All this starts from
(probably) a single iTMS editor.

Not sure that relates directly to the topic at hand, but it was on my



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