I was thinking about this lately too.  Trackback is of course meant to help with this very issue ... but I admit I dont use trackbacks nearly as much as I should ... and I think alot of people dont.

Tags are another part of it, as they often provide new entry points into the conversation, and can help you pick it back up after seeming dead-ends.

There was a cool post on digg a while ago that pointed to a tag cloud for google news (http://fserb.com.br/newscloud/).  The really cool thing was it would find related tags.  Clicking on a tag would display a list of stories on that and related tags.  It seemed to work really well.

I was thinking how great it would be to have a system like that for videoblogs.  Some system that would work off a list of feeds from the various directories we have now, and that could find tags and related tags ... and offer a list of videos.  Sort of like a parent cloud for the vlogsphere.

- Dave

feed:  http://www.DavidMeade.com/feed

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