yes well said.
On 16 May 2006, at 23:34, Enric wrote:

--- In, "Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Growth of the Vlogosphere
> As the so-called "vlogosphere" grows, more and more it will
> reflect the real world.  The more egalitarian and affluent
> early-adopters of technology will find that they have to share the
> "sphere" with average Joes and Janes.  They may be less
> concerned with finding their "voice", or listening to someone
> else's, than with being entertained.
> The Preference for Beauty, or "Lookism"
> We bring our own likes, fears and prejudices to the videoblogging
> community.  The preference for beauty in making choices exists and
> that's a fact of life.  It started 200,000 years ago with the rise
> of Homo sapiens.   The attempt to define beauty or physical
> attractiveness dates back to Plato and Aristotle.  The Greek artists
> spent a lot of time craving and drawing the nude.  The woman of Minoa
> wore topless dresses in their matriarchal society.  The battle against
> "lookism" is as hopelessly absurd as a battle against human
> nature itself.
> I'm a fat man over fifty years old, who speaks with a wicked Boston
> accent, is tone deaf and can't sing.  It would be preposterous for
> me to expect to get a job as a prime time news anchor, fashion model, or
> sing as a Pip behind Gladys Knight.  I'm a "victim" of
> sizism, ageism, linguicism, and "can't sing –ism".
> There are plenty of Americans, like me, who are tired of being stuck
> with left-wing, victim obsessed, politically correct weenies on one hand
> and right-wing, bible thumping zealots who want to invade the Middle
> East to fulfil some biblical prophecy about Armageddon on the other.
> The former want to build a "village" where the only sin is
> intolerance, and the latter sit around with their heads up their arses
> waiting for the "rapture".  Both are anti-sex, anti-body prudes
> who fixate either over being sexists or sinners while looking at the
> world through the sphincter of a gnat's asshole.  They want to
> censor the media either to prevent offending those of frail
> sensibilities or God.  Like H.L. Mencken's puritans, they are
> "… desperately afraid that somebody somewhere might be having a
> good time."
> Alternatives
> If feeling oppressed by someone keeps you from vlogging then you've
> given your power over to the oppressor.  Fight back!  Post your videos
> and the hell with anyone who doesn't like them.   The world
> isn't going to bend over backwards to make you feel comfortable.
> The alternative is to start your own "vlogosphere" ghetto.  Go
> to Yahoo Groups and start a group called Vlogging for People I'm
> Comfortable With.  Then limit membership to those that meet whatever
> criteria you set.

Well said.

  -- Enric

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