On 5/30/06, Joshua Kinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think adding additional "semantic" HTML attributes would help
> much either. Often the bloggers who post with strange HTML conventions
> aren't the type of people who know much about HTML. I certainly
> wouldn't expect them to grok a Microformat like rel="media:thumbnail"
> ... but then perhaps broad acceptance is not really the goal of this
> proposal anyway.

Yeah my thinking was that hosters like blip that cross post to your
vlog in a variety of templates could inclide rel="media:thumbnail",
and services like Feedburner could consume it.  The user wouldnt have
to do it themselves.  (wordpress plugins and the like would end up
doing it for them :-P )

eh ... just an idea I had when I should have been thinking about other
things. :-)

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