you're right; it does sinc with aim. i only realized that later on in the 
night. i'll look you up tonight when i get off work. this is such a fun 
application i didn't even realize the chatting potential when i purchased the 
computer, i was just buying it for its video editing capabilities. 
Obreahny O'Brien

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 22:35:23 
-0800Subject: Re: [videoblogging] iChat Clueless Question

Hi there,At one time or another I believe iChat's video feature was compatible 
withAIM for Windows: it still is. So 
you're friends might still be able to video chatwith you from their PCs. If 
they're still not up to the trick, though, lookme up on iChat or AIM and we'll 
"see" how it works (or doesn't work). My IDis VoyagerRadio (or 
voyagerradio).HaroldVideo Haroldhttp://videoharold.comOn 11/29/06, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> this might be totally off topic, but i 
just got my mac and now have> video ichat (which seems sooo neat, btw) so i was 
wondering who here> has iChat (i want to test using it but none of my friends 
have macs-> accounting & finance majors, go figure) and if anyone knows if 
it's> possible to record and save the video during a chat session, or to> 
record directly from the camera on the mac book and save that, rather> than 
recording on a minidv and then transfering it to the computer?>> -obreahny>> 
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