Didn't know that.. Still, I'm sure it could be done in say a week of work.
WHat kind of budget/tech skills do these guys have Jay? If they're gonna use
Drupal they might wanna sponsor a module (throw in 1000$).


On 12/5/06, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Except that Drupal and feeds are a bit messed up so you usually have to
> hack node.module to get changes to the built-in feeds. It's the one thing
> that sucks big time about Drupal.
> I'd love to see a media rss module for drupal, but I also know it's
> outside my level of competence to make myself.
> - Andreas
> Den 05.12.2006 kl. 14:16 skrev Peter Van Dijck <[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]<petervandijck%40gmail.com>
> >:
> > What they have to do is code a Drupal module that does mediaRSS. That
> > should
> > not be too hard or too much work.
> >
> > Peter
> >
> >
> > On 12/3/06, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <jay.dedman%40gmail.com>>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> > Here's the MRSS spec:
> >> > <http://search.yahoo.com/mrss>
> >> > It was developed by Yahoo! with a lot of collaboration from a
> >> > community of contributors, including many folks on this list.
> >> > FeedBurner supports MRSS in a pretty limited way -- really just as an
> >> > addition to the enclosure element. Blip.tv <http://blip.tv/> <
> http://blip.tv/> includes
> >> a
> >> lot of MRSS
> >> > metadata in their feeds, including support for media thumbnails and
> >> > alternate versions of each video (FLV, Quicktime, etc.).
> >> > Is there something in particular you want to do with MRSS?
> >>
> >> yep....i saw the spec, but am having a hard time fitting my brain
> around
> >> it.
> >> I am working with a group of Community TV stations that are starting
> >> to upload and trade TV programs for playback around the country.
> >>
> >> They want to attach a lot of metadata into their posts....so they are
> >> asking if Media RSS could help them. Questions I have is....how do
> >> they create feeds that attach all this info into their feed?
> >> Do they need to make their feeds by hand?
> >>
> >> right now, they are just uploading to their own servers...and using
> >> Drupla to create their feeds.
> >>
> >> Jay
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen
> <URL: http://www.solitude.dk/ >

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