We have created a group in France
( 15 of the best explorers of the web2.0 in all domains)

We have a webtv here

It's in french but
If you want to participe write me off list please

Best regards

Le 17 déc. 06 à 01:21, Sanford Dickert a écrit :

> Hey all -
> In my pursuit of edumakating my senior engineering students at Cooper
> Union (http://www.cooper.edu) , I am developing a "Web 2.0" class -
> focusing on the topics that are beginning to pervade the
> consciousness of the marketplace today.
> As an enthusiastic endorser of podcasting and videoblogging, I am
> working in these concepts by discussing the concepts of syndication
> (using XML) and user-generated content/mashups to better explain
> "social media". Instead of focusing on just technical topics (like
> video codecs, which we should discuss), I want the students to get an
> understanding of the palette of technologies and forms of expression
> that they can use to solve the problems that they will face.
> If you were one of those engineering students (CS and Engineers all)
> - to give them a sense of what are the topics at hand, what would you
> expect to learn/hear? Not just the technical details, but what about
> design principles and user concerns?
> It is the intent of the course to give the students an experience of
> building a product/service that is user-centric rather than
> engineering-centric (love of technology instead of solving the
> problem). Videoblogging might not sound like a problem that needs to
> be "solved", but maybe there is a way to expand their experiences...
> Thank you in advance for your feedback.
> Sanford

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