
I was getting quite keen on the idea of a Z1 until I
saw the following, on the DV list:

>I wonder if any of you have heard or have experience of this problem:
>I work for a hire shop that has about 20 Z1s (we are mostly Betacams but
>these little handycams are very popular with broadcasters). We are having an
>increasing problem with the ingress of dust into the lens assembly, which
>then seems to congregate on the inside of the front element in a patch that
>resembles mould (that was my initial diagnosis). We never had this problem
>with PD150/170s (in similar environments) so I am wondering whether there is
>some form of 'pumping' action inherent in the zoom/focus mechanism on the
>Z1s, that actively 'sucks-in' dust. We have a pre-paid service support
>scheme with Sony but it doesn't cover accidents or 'misuse'; Sony are
>implying the latter but to my mind and experience this situation suggests a
>design problem that they ought to be prepared to cover as necessary. The
>whole lens assembly has to be replaced since it is apparently uneconomic to
>strip and clean it.
>Perry Mitchell


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