Are you still watching videoblogs? Does it really matter that  
Galacticast (or, insert favorite vlog here) isn't HD?

I completely agree that HD is beautiful, but I have yet to experience  
it at home day in and day out. But in the end, I personally am more  
interested in the content. I've heard some people say they could  
watch paint dry in HD. To which I say, go for it.

I'm still pretty close to the tv industry - I own a software company  
that caters to it - and most of the projects are just now migrating  
to HD...and they're not shooting 1080p. We've had a difficult enough  
time trying to figure out production workflows with 720p and 1080i.  
I'm not sure how long it'll take to figure out and adopt 1080p.

What I'm interested in is what happens in the next 3 years. The new  
thing being pitched is 1080p. The problem is, who's broadcasting it?  
Will all the networks agree to it as the "standard"? Some are using  
720p, others 1080i. If they do agree, how long will it take them to  
switch? Finally, how does all of this play out with RSS as a  
challenger for a delivery mechanism?

Negroponte (Meiser, thanks for the lead) refers to HD as 'stillborn'  
in "being digital," <URL: 
Nicholas-Negroponte/dp/0679762906> because of the speed of the  
television industry vs. the speed of the computer industry. He also  
discusses about an experiment by Russ Neuman where people viewed the  
same video, on the same equipment, where the only difference was the  
quality of the audio. His discovery? That the better audio changed  
people's perception that they were viewing a higher quality image.

Personally, I've decided to keep my money in the bank until it all  
plays out.

On a side note, I helped to produce a HD pilot for a major tv network  
in 2000 (it didn't get picked up). I remember how we marveled at the  
fact we could see raindrops on the windshield of a car, and could  
actually read the numbers on a police officer's badge. This is back  
when we were learning about producing using the "new" format, and  
found out about such issues as audio noise related to fans in the  
camera turning on after a certain period of time to help cool the  
CCDs. Try tracking that one down in the middle of a shoot! :-)

On Dec 18, 2006, at 12:43 AM, wrote:

> Posted by: "Robert Scoble" [EMAIL PROTECTED] scobleizer
> Date: Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:22 pm ((PST))
> You're right, of course. I just upgraded to DirectTV myself and  
> hate that I
> don't have much choice in PVRs.
> But, sorry, I can't watch SD content anymore. It looks like crap  
> once you
> have HD. Everyone who has bought a new HD set says the same thing.
> Getting HD is a transformative experience.
> The lack of support (and lack of content) is just a temporary speed  
> bump.
> Robert

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