I see Time magazine has acknowledging the force of "ordinary" people 
changing our world through what is now termed Web 2.0. It has become 
such a huge force that the media is basically scrambling to keep up 
especially the vloggers. It is as though the internet has become a 
collective humanity living thing that is making the biggest impact 
(mostly positive in my perception) on our world, which makes it really 
not just one "Person" anymore. As well Time magazine made up the whole 
Personal of the year topic and if they want to change it that's their 
prerogative. Sure is interesting to watch how quickly people react 
without getting a broad spectrum of information (facts), and how 
negative and critically reactive people can be - Reminds me of the 
theme behind the book "Who Moved My Cheese" Heaven forbid something 
should change without first warning the sheeple!  LOL :-)

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