Posted by: "Amanda Congdon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ctgirl812003

>YouTubers, in my opinion, are independent media makers� so they fall
>into the "us" catagory. MySpace, as I believe Dave Winer once put it,
>is a blog on training wheels. I am not trying to say that they do not
>count. They do! They are part of all this as well!

The People's Front of Judea appreciate that clarification in what we
consider to be a fairly provocative post, and look forward to the blog
entry which is to follow.

As long as our YouTubeWayArmy and MySpaceCadets are "in", we're golden.

At the same time, let's not overlook the fact that the Judean People's
Front are, in fact, splitters. And thus, out.

All the best to you and yours at this special time of year,

B. Cohen (Nazareth) Esq.

The war on Christmas is, in fact, a war on Birthdays (for Parody
Purposes Only) :

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