1.      the broadcasting of a still or moving image via radiowaves to
receivers that project a view of the image on a picture tube.
2.      the process involved.
3.      a set for receiving television broadcasts.
4.      the field of television broadcasting.

19.     a theatrical production, performance, or company.
20.     a radio or television program.
21.     a motion picture.
22.     an exposition for dealers or the public of products by various
manufacturers in a particular industry, usually held in an exhibition
hall, convention facility, or the like: the annual boat show.
23.     any kind of public exhibition or exposition: a show of Renoirs.
24.     ostentatious display: nothing but mere show.
25.     a display, exhibition, or demonstration: a true show of freedom.
26.     an indication; trace: He frowned on the slightest show of emotion.
27.     the position of the competitor who comes in third in a horse race,
harness race, etc. Compare place (def. 27b), win1 (def. 16).
28.     appearance; impression: to make a sorry show.
29.     a sight or spectacle.
30.     an unreal or deceptive appearance: The actress's tears had the
show of grief.
31.     an act or instance of showing.
32.     a motion-picture theater.

If you look at the difference between the two terms you'll notice that
Television is a method of delivery.  Video blogs are an alternative
method of delivery, therefore although hasn't altered
their definitions to include internet-based shows, it's easy to see
the difference between TV and Video blogs.



--- In, WWWhatsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>Go behind the scenes of videoblogging's favorite introverted
extrovert, Amanda Congdon 
> I wonder who came up with that :) 
> The whole blip interface and ad thing all looks great.
> Doesn't A. kind of blow the 'this is not tv' angle by calling it a show
> in the next sentence?
> joly
> >Hi all,
> >I just went to upgrade my Quicktime (without iTunes)
> >and I noticed that Amanda Congdon has a video
> >on the page for that. You probably already know this.
> >
> >Zack
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>              WWWhatsup NYC
> -
> ---------------------------------------------------------------

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