Oh.  Well, in that case, no blood, no foul. ;)


> my post was not directed at you nor a direct response to anything you had
> said.
> sorry for the confusion there.
> i injected it here in this thread as a general sentiment towards how
> fucked
> up and backwards the system is.
> On 12/28/06, J. Rhett Aultman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   Imagine all the people living life in peace?
>> I won't profess to know what elections would look like under your
>> hypothetical model. I'm not concerned with the hypothetical. Nor does
>> any of this have anything to do with my original statement, which is
>> that
>> I perceive John Edwards as being cannon fodder in the upcoming election.
>> I wish him well. I like the guy. I just think that, should he survive
>> the primaries, he won't survive the shooting gallery waiting for him.
>> I also do believe that Internet-based media and online small-donation
>> funding will play a role in the upcoming election. I just happen to not
>> believe that the grassroots is sufficient today to overcome the kind of
>> dialog control that America's right executes.
>> Furthermore, I'm in Internet video because it's an alternative to film
>> school that I can afford (in terms of both time and money). If and when
>> I
>> make something that voices the previously unvoiced, that's good, and I
>> am
>> grateful for the opportunity, but I'm not interested in revolutions. I'm
>> not interested in what "ought to be". My interests are in what lies
>> before us right now and how to deal with it. I'm also not interested in
>> being told what I should personally be doing. I'm glad you're out there
>> living and speaking your truth, but the truth I'm interested in is the
>> immediate and quantifiable.
>> --
>> Rhett.
>> http://www.weatherlight.com/freetime
>> > Imagine if Campaigning+MSMcoverage+NetworkTV were disallowed?
>> [...]
>> > The system and foundation must change for elections.... at some point
>> in
>> > the
>> > next 50 years. Not enough attention is on the proper type of reforms
>> > needed. That should be one of the next revolutions that YOU should be
>> > getting involved with.
>> >
>> > In the mean time, let's hope that the supplemental sources of
>> > communication
>> > that we have today such as net video, audio, blogging and online
>> > crowdfunding systems help make at least a bit of difference in 2008.
>> >
>> > sull
> --
> Sull
> http://vlogdir.com (a project)
> http://SpreadTheMedia.org (my blog)
> http://interdigitate.com (otherly)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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