I dunno. Have you seen that thing? People pay to get out of contracts all
the time. I think the only reason they might not this time is because of the
hefty pricetag IN ADDITION to the cost of switching carriers. I've switched
a few times but the switch usually includes a free phone from the new

With any luck, the iPhone will still have a huge impact on the industry
whether it sees widespread adoption or not - because its competitors (i
hope) are scrambling to figure out how to copy it!

On 1/11/07, Heath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Saw an interesting article
> http://news.yahoo.com/s/zd/20070110/tc_zd/198403
> Makes me wonder why Apple did this to be honest. Limiting yourself
> to one carrier and it appears to be for a while based on tones I am
> reading, you are automaticly handicapping yourself. So unless you
> are on the cingular network, you are just sol, cause you gonna pay
> that 175 early term fee per phone if you are with someone else?
> Nope.
> Also for all those worried about the effect on blackberries, etc, I
> don't see it, my comp uses blackberries for a lot of the management,
> they are locked in a mult year deal, not going to change overnight
> just for a "phone that plays music and video".....I really don't see
> this having the impact some are thinking it will....maybe I am nuts,
> maybe I am just a stupid hick from Ohio, but I just don't see the
> appeal at that price and it's a moot point for me anyway as I have
> Verizon and I just reupped......
> It's all very fasinating though...
> Heath
> http://batmangeek7.blogspot.com


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