Since you are using Ulead Media Studio Pro that tells me that you are
on the Windows Operating System.

The following is based on my experience and opinion. One size does not
fit all. The following is a rough outline of some of the software
based on ease of use. Each product has positives and negatives.

If you are just starting out and have no prior experience in video
editing then you might want to use Windows Movie Maker2 or XP or the
version that comes with Vista. 

It is drag and drop editing. It can do a rough edit for you. Easy to
add titles and will output to the .wmn and .avi formats.  It is free.
For very simple editing it is fine. I stress very simple editing. 

I know this program. It will lull you into a false sense of security.
Beware. There will come a time when you want to do something more
adventurous. You'll add one cut or fade too many and that SOB will
crash and take your hard work with you. I speak from earned hostility.

Next on the terrain you might want to take a look at Adobe Premier
Elements, Ulead Video Studio, Magix Movie Edit Pro or Serif Movie Plus 5. 

I like and recommend Ulead Video Studio. I still use it from time to
time but I like Serif Movie Plus 5 even better. It allows me to make
"L" cuts and it is much easier to separate audio from video if I need to. 

This software is for novice to intermediate users. Each one of these
products has an guide mode that helps the new user get up to speed
quickly and make a video. But for those that have more experience
there are tools to help you extended your reach, without crashing. 

Most of the above software is around $70-100 but they have the
advantage of exporting to multiple formats, some toss in a boatload of

On the upper plane of editing we move into the software versions of
traditional video/movie editing concepts.  AVID Free, Adobe Premier
and your product Ulead Media Studio Pro. Features galore but it helps
if you've had prior experience with some of the concepts of tradition

A novice can learn to use these programs but it is a learning curve.
I hope this helps,


--- In, "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am currently using Ulead MediaStudio Pro 7.0 as my main editing
> I'm very new to this, and I am wondering if this is a good program
to use in
> YOUR eyes, folks....because frankly, I wouldnt know how this compares to
> other programs.  What can you tell me about this this
okay, or
> would you recommend something else?
> Need input.
> David
> d=55383/stime=1169442365/nc1=3848549/nc2=3848642/nc3=3848528> 
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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