HELP!!!! I have tried everything. I have visited help forums, I have
combed the Blogger Help section, I have poured over OPTs (other
people's templates) and for the life of me I cannot do it! I cannot
add a labels section into my sidebar. I can labels the posts, sure, I
spent the better part of the afternoon doing that, and if you click
the labels then you get a nifty list of posts with the same label, but
I want to have an actual list of labels so that finding posts will be
easier. I found all sorts of cool code that will arrange your label
list into drop-down menus and clouds and what have you, but noplace
can I find out how to get the darn labels into the template in the
first place.

I'm rather fond of my template, I don't want to change to a Blogger
one no matter how customizable they now are. I was planning on
redesigning the site soon, anyway, but not this soon. 

Perhaps it isn't possible?

There is a way to cram tags into a cloud on my sidebar,
but I don't really care for it--I'll do it as a last resort.

Anyone have any ideas? Anyone? Please?


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