Well, as you may or may not know the largest sci-fi/popular culture
convention in the U.S. has, since last year, a podcasting track.  They
are currently looking for ideas for guests to invite for the track
(panels, apperances and such)and I'm trying to get a video presence there.

I'm looking for contact info for

Ask A Ninja (Kent if you read this)
Goodnight Burbank
Tikibar TV
Galacticast (actually I alreay have casey's info, I'll just email her)

I'll of course gather the fan email addresses for the shows, but you
never know how long a response would take or if they will see it in
time or at all. So I'm asking here in case the producers of the shows
themselves read this.

I'm not in charge of anything (Derek and Swoopy of Skepticality
are)I'll just be passing the info to Derek so he can contact the
shows.  If you want you can post here or you can contact me through
Cultofuhf at gmail dot com (or my account here on yahoo)

Thanks for your time all and if you've never been to dragoncon,
concider it, its a blast.


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