
We're working on a new version of our player that will include Creative
Commons metadata display along with lots of other fun stuff :)

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steve Watkins
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:09 PM
Subject: [videoblogging] Re: DIY Ads

Cool. I think there is huge potential for all sorts of different types
of 'video creation online' services, whether it be advert creation,
license info, credits, other branding, or customizing other elements
of the video player. 

Not wishing to distract from the very useful sounding advert creation
feature, I call again for creative commons stuff to become a part of
the blip flash player in some way, or something just like the advert
generator but that adds creative commons info to the end of your video
if you ask it to.

Im really interested in what innovations the different services will
find to incorporate into their platforms, vsocials player seems to
have a lot of gubbins these days but I havent actually checked to see
how useful any of it is.

I wonder int he future just how much web-like clicking etc
functionality will be added to videos. We used to talk about how to do
it for quicktime, obviously flash is dominant now, so that gives plent
yof possibilities onthe desktop. Theres no sign of the hoped for
interactivity & blog-like features in some common mobile video
standard, eg for ipod, psp, etc, being adopted yet, so not much
progress on that front.

Lately Ive been wondering how much things will evolve in the other
direction - eg whether much of the web in general will become a more
video-like experience. I dont know if I can make sense here, I dunno,
what do I mean? More animation, more smoothly flowing information,
services that turn plain text content into delightfully rich
animations and interactive video type experiences. Where does this
take me, back to the days of discussions about whether a true
videoblog would be a video that has all of the other elements of
blogging built into the video itself? And am I overlooking the whole
multimedia cdrom & flash website awfulness style over function horrors
of the not too distant past? Next I will be talking about wanting to
watch everyones vlogs in 3D, learning nothing from the horrors and
iffeficiencies of virtual reality, but unable to avoid drooling at the
possibilities, no matter how flawed an experience it actually is. 


Steve Elbows
--- In, "Bill Cammack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Fantastic! :D
> --
> Bill C.
> --- In, "pettisb" <pettisb@> wrote:
> >
> > Hey Folks,
> > 
> > I'm kinda quiet on this list, for those that don't know me, I do the
> > Make: magazine podcast.  I make something every week and make a
> > that teaches you how to make it too.  Lately I've been into breaking
> > things. I've made trebuchets and just finished a giant crossbow for
> > egg drop/slam I'm having in Seattle tomorrow. 
> > 
> > My buddy Phil, my coworker at Make, and I, have been wanting to put
> > our own ads on the end of our videos and we went to Blip to make it
> > happen.  Today you can see diy ads at the end of my podcasts.
> > 
> > The idea is that in the blip dashboard, I'll be able to choose a
> > picture, write some text, choose a button, and insert a url and then
> > at the end of the vid, my own ad will come up.  You'll be able to do
> > it yourself soon.
> > 
> > I'll be using it at Make: to have ads that send people off to get
> > for the project in the video and to sell Maker Faire tickets and
> > for the magazine, but you'll be able to put whatever ads you want in
> > there. So you'll be able to put together a t-shirt and  have the
> > go to cafepress or you can have a dvd and have the link go off to
> > 
> > If you make things, you could show them on video and have the link
> > off to your or ebay page. You get the idea.  It's
> > in your hands. 
> > 
> > Ok, enough of me talking about it.  Here are some links to learn
> > 
> > Here's the Make: blog post about it. - 
> >
> > Here's the blogpost. - 
> >
> > 
> > Bre Pettis
> > Make: Video
> >
> >

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