Red Nose day is meaningless in the US. I happen to be in the UK right this
moment so I know that it's a big deal here - you can buy red noses
everywhere ("at least 60p to charity") etc. but it's a strictly British
institution and you can't expect Americans to even have heard of it.

Everyone is bombarded daily by requests for this or that donation (of time
or money), to think about this or care about that. We all have limited
personal bandwidth, and we choose the causes and institutions that are
dearest to each of us. I donate considerable time and energy to the
international school in India that I attended (as is evident from my
website). I'll probably be involved (again) with the Democrats Abroad next
year, getting out the vote. I give to Planned Parenthood even though I no
longer live in the US and it's of no possible use to me personally.

So, no matter how noble the cause, I'm all cared out. And, knowing the
caliber and characters of the people on this list, I know that the same can
be said of many or most of us: we are plenty involved and already giving far
MORE than the human or American average, in our time, our money, our
expertise, and our passion. We just happen to be giving it to other things.
So you can't expect us to leap up and take on a new charity activity just
because you ask.

And I'd agree with Josh that your insistence on the Digg aspect makes me
itch. How is helping your site get traffic going to actually help raise
funds on Red Nose day, especially when the UK media is already inundated
with coverage for it? In any case, it's not a Digg sort of thing. There are
zillions of articles out there on "how to get Dugg," and, from what I've
read, this topic doesn't strike me as one that's going to be a winner. You'd
be better off trying to get the UK media to talk about it, and you have
already had some successes there, so I suggest you go for that.

best regards,
Deirdré Straughan (personal) (work)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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