Robin, this is how I'm seeing it at this time. The group that helped
put together VloggerCon 06 did a great job. It took a lot of effort,
conversations, sponsorship, air miles and a few vloggers putting their
necks on the line financially (signing contracts and stuff).

If folks truly want to have VC07 around June-July then the decision &
planning has to get started fairly soon. If and when that happens the
focus would be on VloggerCon to the necessary exclusion of anything else.

So in a way I see BarCampUSA as a handy back-up plan. Since others are
responsible for the entire event our contribution to it and our
responsibilities would be reduced. We can teach, mingle and meet-up.

The downside is that many of the Euro folks can't afford to come. Some
of the East Coast vloggers will be faced with the same challenges
about money and transportation. Plus we have to be sensitive to family
vacation time. 

If we as a group don't declare our intention to BarCamp right away
there isn't really a loss. If we decide later couldn't we wiggle in
under a "just added clause" or something?

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for VC07 but if not then "Hello Wisconsin!"


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