On a LGVX8100 cell phone from verizon I could not get any of the videos to play.

I also have a mobile site with video on it to here:


I found out the cell phones with verizon's OS with the openwave browser do not 
video at all (which is most of them). I was able to determine that more phones 
comptible with .3gp than with .3g2 it appears across the providers. 

I think your idea of posting a link to a windows media file is a good idea for 
all the 
Windows spartphones out there. I will be adding a link to my iPod compatible 
files off my 
moblie site because it will be compatible with the iPhone. Cell phone 
podcasting looks like 
it will take off with the iPhone :) Is your .mov files ipod compatible?

Great videos :)

- Bill

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Rupert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nokia N93, running Opera Mobile and Flash 7 - I get to see the whole  
> home page fine because Opera Mobile lets you see all the images as  
> they should be and at various levels of zoom, but there's no Flash  
> video of course (Opera only handles Flash 7) and when I click the  
> "Cellphone" image/link nothing happens because it doesn't like the  
> javascript.  I could download the Quicktime and Windows videos by  
> clicking on them because they're direct links to the files on Blip.   
> HTH. (Also, if I click the Cellphone link on my Mac Firefox, it  
> freaks out and goes black and doesn't allow me to go back or anything  
> - presumably the javascript swaps the CSS to a mobile.css or  
> something, does it? A less stylish answer might be to have a direct  
> link to the file and maybe even (sigh) a text link?  I love your  
> design, by the way.)
> Hope this helps
> Rupert
> On 7 Mar 2007, at 22:27, Adam Quirk wrote:
> I'd be very grateful if anyone with a video-capable handheld or mobile
> phone would be willing to test our site for me. It's supposed to
> detect that you're on a mobile and change the layout accordingly. It
> seems to work on my razr, but I just heard that it isn't working for
> someone running Windows Mobile.
> If you're up for it:
> 1. Visit wreckandsalvage.com from your phone/handheld
> 2. Tell me if you can see the site and/or one of the videos
> 3. Tell me what you're using, device/OS.
> Muchas gracias.
> -- 
> Adam Quirk
> Wreck & Salvage
> 551.208.4644
> Brooklyn, NY
> http://wreckandsalvage.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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