I don't want to sound a sour note here. However, I think the idea of "a video per day" during videoblogging week has a serious flaw.
I participated a year or two ago.Being retired and having time on my hands enabled me to get several videos ready before the week started. Yes, I posted seven videos in seven days on the theme of "vblogging dangerously". Actually, some of the videos I posted I've seriously considered taking down. At least one has been "eliminated" by YouTube for containing "inappropriate material". I would suggest that the them for VlogWeek 2007 be "My Best Vlogs". That would be a great opportunity for those of us who have 150 or more vlogs on the Internet to pick the 7 best we've done. I think that would make for a better testimonial to the collectivre power of vlogging than having people churing out a vlog a day, even a 30 second nothing vlog. Randolfe (Randy) Wicker Hoboken, NJ 201-656-3280 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Jay dedman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Cool! So - what does one do on videoblogging week? > > Look at what we were doing in 2004. we had no idea: > http://www.solitude.dk/archives/vog-week/ > you can do better than this. > > I was building a bridge between what I was doing at public access > TV...and this new thing of posting video online. > http://momentshowing.typepad.com/momentshowing/2004/06/videoblog_week__2.html > > Jay > > -- > Here I am.... > http://jaydedman.com >