caroosky wrote:
> Now, if only the portable device manufacturers would get on the ball.
> I'd love to load up a portable media device with a bunch of flash
> video from YouTube, Revver, Blip and others...

This is coming, but it's not here yet. The next version of the Adobe 
Flash Lite engine will include support for regular web-video formats:

Right now Adobe Flash Lite 2 is being baked into phones, and this 
supports "device video", where the Player asks the operating system to 
play a video, and where different devices could require different video 
formats. The next version of Adobe Flash Lite will smooth over the 
differences between pocket devices, and also smooth over the difference 
between pocket devices and laptop computers, so that you can focus more 
on your content, less on the formats. It will take awhile to finish and 
deploy, though.

(Good point about the compression process itself being a key determinant 
in final video quality, thanks.)


John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.

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